Prohibited weapons cresis in Fallujah - IPB-ITALIA - Associazione per la pace, il disarmo, la soluzione nonviolenta dei conflitti


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Prohibited weapons cresis in Fallujah

14 marzo 2008 di roberto

On the anniversary of the first Fallujah bombardment of March-April 2004, Civil society organizations MHRI and CCERF with Fallujahs doctors has released the new report. The report reminds the world with hard facts about the use of internationally banned weapons that was used by U.S. forces against innocent civilians. A detailed description of consequent health problems on both children and women is included in the report.
The Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights at the United Nations should do its responsibility towards what has been mentioned in the report. We here legally bound ourself to the at most facts mentioned in the report and state our readiness to prove every single factual element with documented evidences.

11th March 2008

Conservation Center of Environmental & Reserves in Fallujah - CCERF
Monitoring net of Human Rights in Iraq - MHRI

Muhamad Al-Darraji

Director of MHRI
President of CCERF

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