Report dal V Summit dei Premi Nobel per la pace - IPB-ITALIA - Associazione per la pace, il disarmo, la soluzione nonviolenta dei conflitti


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Report dal V Summit dei Premi Nobel per la pace

17 novembre 2004 di roberto

Da Chiara Venturi, presente a Roma nei passati giorni del V Summit dei Premi Nobel per la pace, ecco il testo (in Inglese) del suo contributo, in rappresentanza di IPB-Italia.

Report from Chiara Maria Venturi in representance of IPB-Italia.

1)The “Florence Appeal to prevent the scourge of war” illustrated at the world Nobel Prize summit organized in Rome by the Gorbachev Foundation.

2) Presentation of the book “ A tale for peace” and launching of the second edition of the literary prize “ A Tale for Peace”

The circulation of the “Florence Appeal to prevent the scourge of war” continues. The Appeal is the final document of the international conference organized by the Italian Office of the International Peace Bureau on the issue of “Peace and Human Security Aspects of U.N. Reform” which was held in Florence on September 25-26. University teachers, members of pacifist associations and experts from over 20 countries took part in the conference.

On November 3rd 2004 in New York, the Appeal was presented to Mr Anand Panyarachun, former Thai Prime Minister and Chair of the UN High- Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change which had the task to examine the possible reform of the organization. On November 8th 2004, Fulgida Barattoni, President of IPB-Italia, and Chiara Maria Venturi, Italian member of the International Peace Bureau Steering Committee, officially asked that the appeal be presented to the annual Nobel Prize summit organized by the Gorbachev Fundation-Italia in Rome so that its text could be part of the works of the summit and of an ever wider-ranging discussion.
The text of the appeal and its Italian translation are available on: www.ipb-italia-org.

Therefore the IPB delegation, formed by Jonathan Granhoff (President of the Global Security Institute) and Alyn Ware (IPB Vice-President) distributed the text of the Florence Appeal to the Nobel Prize Laureates, who took it into account as a positive support for the High-Level Panel work.

We have also faxed the text of the Appeal to Walter Veltroni, Mayor of Rome and to the President of Italy, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi to let them know what important meeting took place in Italy, in Florence on 25-26 September as an example of how civil society is well and alive, and alerted towards such an important issue as the UN reform and its implications for the whole world’s peace and security status.

On November 12th and 13th the I.P.B.+ delegation was joined by two IPB Italia members, Chiara Venturi, IPB Italy Scientific Committee, and Lara Alpi journalist, who had the opportunity to have informal meetings and interviews with the Nobel Laureates, during which material highlighting IPB Italia activities was distributed, i.e. copies of the book “ A Tale for Peace”.

The Italian delegation also joined the IPB delegation both during the press conference and the previous strategy meeting with the Nobel prize winners which took place on Saturday morning, November 12th, and gave active contribution to the session concerning the dissemination of the Nobel Prize Winners’ final statement by suggesting its distribution to the mailing list “ Focus Group” and to the schools.

The high level of efficiency, capacity and diplomacy of the IPB delegation in the persons of Alyn Ware and Jonathan Granhoff was of great support and contributed to the successful partecipation of the IPB Italia members.

Meanwhile in Lugo both the book “A Tale for Peace” containing the winning tales of the first edition of the literary prize and the second edition of the prize were officially launched to the press and to the local authorities.

The second edition is honored by the following sponsors and supporters:
- M.I.U.R. - Ministry of Education, Letizia Moratti
- UNESCO Italian Commission– Dott. Mario Vecchione
- C.R.I. Red Cross Italy– Avv. Maurizio Scelli-Isp. II.VV. CRI Mila Braghetti Peretti.
- Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna University - representative of Magnifico Rettore .
- Bologna University “Conservazione dei Beni Culturali” - Prof. A. Panaino
- Bologna University “Scuola Traduttori e Interpreti SSLIMIT”- Prof. G. Aston
- Gorbachev Foundation– Dr. Marzio Dallagiovanna
- ASSOKIPLING – ANIOC and other friends of IPB Italia.
- the President of the Regional Council of Tuscany Dr. Riccardo Nencini.

Senator Mario Luzi, the famous Italian poet, Nobel Prize candidate for literature and bestowed with many important literary prizes will act as the Honorary President of our prize.

Questo articolo è stato pubblicato il mercoledì, novembre 17th, 2004 alle 09:55 ed è archiviato in Associazione, Focus Group 2004, Iniziative, Una favola per la Pace. Tags: . Puoi seguire i commenti a questo articolo tramite il Feed RSS 2.0 feed. I commenti sono chiusi, ma puoi fare un trackback dal tuo sito.

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