“Una favola per la pace”: il programma - IPB-ITALIA - Associazione per la pace, il disarmo, la soluzione nonviolenta dei conflitti


Associazione per la pace, il disarmo, la soluzione nonviolenta dei conflitti

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“Una favola per la pace”: il programma

3 febbraio 2004 di roberto

International Literary Prize “ A TALE FOR PEACE” – Città di Lugo

Friday 20 February 2004

12,00 Press conference Sala Stampa Ordine dei Giornalisti di Bologna-Strada Maggiore n. 6
Arrival of the Steering Committee Members in the late aftenoon/evening.
The reservations has been made all at the AIG Monastry Hostel “Antico Monastero”
Via Cadorna n. 10 – Bagnacavallo (RA)(Tel. +39/0545/60622 – Fax +39/0545/937228)
The cost will be around € 20 and we can have to our disposal meetings rooms for our
meetings (let me know if anybody of you wouldn’t like to stay at the AIG Monastry
Hostel. Lugo has only two hotels around € 75 - € 95 for single room)
From Airport take shuttle to Train Station where you will find trains to Ravenna, stop
please in Bagnacavallo the Hostel is not far from the station.
Trains options from Bologna to Bagnacavallo:

departure 13,05 arrival 14,04
“ 14,05 “ 15,04
“ 15,05 “ 16,04
“ 16,05 “ 17,04
“ 17,05 “ 18,04
“ 18,05 “ 19,04
“ 19,05 “ 20,04
“ 20,08 “ 20,56
“ 22,05 “ 22,59

In any case I will pick Cora (IPB Geneve) up from the Bologna Airport and I will have room on my car for others 5 persons.

Saturday 21 February 2004

0900: Steering Committee Meeting in the Town Council Castle Hall “Sala Consiglio”
1200 : Press conference in the Town Council Castle Hall “Sala Giunta” for the official presentation
of the International Conference U.N. Reform and Re-launching – 24-25 September 2004
1300 : Lunch at Osteria di Piazza Nuova – Bagnacavallo with the Major Mr. Maurizio Roi.
1730 – 2030: Literary Prize giving cerimony at Rossini Theatre, Pzza Trisi
2100: Dinner party at “ Ala D’Oro” Restaurant – Corso Matteotti n. 56 - Lugo

Sunday 22 February 2004

8,56 departure of guests from Bagnacavallo train station.

9,30 arrival in Ravenna and meeting with the giude who will be leading the group around the town.
The sights that will be visited are the Church of St.Apollinare Nuovo, Tomb of Dante and Dante’s zone, the Church of St. Vitale and the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia.

11,45 meeting with the Mayor or his representative in Ravenna’s Town Hall

13,00 lunch at a typical restaurant in the town centre offered by the Municipality.

Afternoon free.

Return to Bagnacavallo by train.Trains from Ravenna to return to Bagnacavallo departures
17,35 - 18,35 - 19,35 - 20,35

Questo articolo è stato pubblicato il martedì, febbraio 3rd, 2004 alle 20:13 ed è archiviato in Appuntamenti, I edizione 2003, Una favola per la Pace. . Puoi seguire i commenti a questo articolo tramite il Feed RSS 2.0 feed. I commenti sono chiusi, ma puoi fare un trackback dal tuo sito.

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